Crochet jar cover :: tea light crochet cover :: and jar trim :: put those jam jars to good use

Forgot to add these quick makes…..

First up, the jam jar cover (for a Bonne Maman jam jar) that although in this photo contains some faux flowers, can also be used as a tea light holder….it casts a really pretty light when the lights are low….


This really quick, simple and cute pattern is one of Lucy’s from her fabulous blog Attic24 and looks so pretty in single block colour as well. If you add a ribbon trim that you literally weave through the top of the cover, that looks fantastic too.

This really only took me a about an hour (but then I have only been crocheting a year) If you are new to crochet, Attic24 is a brilliant blog (see above) for easy to follow picture tutorials that make it simple.

And here’s a jar ‘trim’ that is decorative and can be used on tea light holder/votives (as mine is here) or just leave straight as a decorative trim for a fireplace, shelf front…anywhere you fancy injecting a bit of colour!

jar trim

This is another pattern from Lucy at Attic24 and I added a few french knots of my own in a sparkly yarn a friend gave me from her stash…I thought it added a little extra ‘je ne s’ais quoi!’ and was pleased with the finished look. It’s all very red, but as you’ve probably gathered, I’m a little in love with all things red!!

jar trim 2

jar trim 3

That’s me done for the day…… and just want to say a very big ‘thank you’ to those lovely people who have commented on some of my earlier blogs..It has been so rewarding to post something and find that someone else likes it!!